Absolute DMV
Absolute DMV
Navigating Trump’s Return, Harris's Defeat, and a Call for Democratic Renewal - S2.E14
What if the political landscape is due for a seismic shift? Join us as we navigate the turbulent currents of American politics, grappling with Donald Trump's unexpected return to the presidency and the ripple effects across the nation.
Welcome everybody to another episode of the Absolute DMV Podcast. It's your man, ace Boogie, and I'm here with a few good guys. I'm here with my man, mark. Hey, what's up, what's up, and my man, ego on the boards. I'm on the boards. Gentlemen, how y'all feeling? It's been a long week, long week and a half or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's been hot man Not great. I'm not feeling great. We still not feeling any better. I feel like we have an aftershock. The aftershock is still hitting us right now.
Speaker 3:Absolutely there's waves to it.
Speaker 1:No, absolutely, absolutely. Waves to it. No, absolutely, absolutely. I mean it, and of course it's only like we said. It's only been about a week and a half.
Speaker 2:Y'all know, donald trump is our next president and I feel some type of way about that. You know why? Because if it was the other way around, he like, I feel like he's so quick, like we're so quick, to make sure he gets in the office because we have to. You know what I'm saying? Like he has the. But remember, when he was a president, he draw, he, he, he literally fought.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, he was calling Georgia trying to get them to make up votes. And then he did the whole insurrection. Yeah, like he didn't want to leave, he wouldn't leave. Do the transition of power where he wasn't on the stage when Biden took office.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's the thing about it. I'm feeling real petty right, like now everybody should accept that he's now the president, like instantly he's the president, but when he did it, hell no, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then also I have a problem with and again it's already rectified Tell them why you mad, tell them why I'm mad son, mad rapper. So what it is is it's rectified by now. But the thing about it is when Kamala, when she lost, she took time and also that felt a type of way. It's kind of like a sort of loser. She should have got on and said hey guys, sorry, there's people who bought tickets at Howard that literally was supposed to be waiting for her, regardless of win or lose, to talk, and she was like no, it took her a day or two, and that's why I felt some type of way about it, because again it's kind of like don't be like Donald Trump on that shit. Because again, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:To be fair to her, though, I did watch a live feed and the crowd at Howard did disperse on its own as the news broke. So as people found out that President Trump was going to win, like after he won, I think it was one of the key swing states. Like the crowd you could see on the time blurb, it's like a fast forward of time. Everybody moves out. There's only like 60 or 70 people by that point.
Speaker 2:No, but I think she made a decision not to.
Speaker 3:She did people by that point.
Speaker 2:no, but I think she made a decision, not she did, she did make a decision she did. It's not like they dispersed again she's. If everybody says, hey, she's coming out to still speak because she did law, I people would have came back or if not, stayed I think what happened is when she just I'm not doing it, everybody's like what the fuck?
Speaker 2:like? Now you kind of like we supported you big time. We're on your back again. You didn't you, you didn't win, but come on like let let give us hope. And that's what I feel sometimes. But other than that, I mean, I kind of feel like again, I kind of feel like we already knew the reporting I saw.
Speaker 3:So the crowd dispersed and then, after a lot of the crowd left, a representative came out and said that she wasn't going to be coming out to give the speech, and then she did do, too, like I. Yeah, it's the same result at the end of the day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, regardless at the end of the day, like if I was like, okay, if I lost and I had all these supporters like bought tickets and whatever, I'll be the first person in the crowd like yo, hey guys, we did our thing, we tried our best, whatever. And she I kind of knew like the Democrats didn't prepare the situation to be—they rode the wave of all right, I'm a woman, all the women's going to vote for me and I'm going to have that vote and that's what fucked up everything. I think that's me, my opinion.
Speaker 1:I mean, look, I think those are all valid points. Yeah, I tend to agree with some of those points. I tend to disagree with some of those points. I tend to agree with some of those points. I tend to disagree with some of those points. I normally don't even like to talk politics, but I actually have a lot to say about this.
Speaker 3:Are you about to put on your chef hat? Are you about to cook right now?
Speaker 1:I might have to cook.
Speaker 3:I'm going to let you cook.
Speaker 1:It might not be cook time yet, but I might have to let you start.
Speaker 2:I'm going to let you cook. I mean, it might not be cook time yet, but I might have to. He ain't cooking.
Speaker 1:He ain't cooking, I'm just prepping. I'm just prepping the meal real quick, just throwing out an appetizer. Yeah, I'm just prepping the meal real quick, all right.
Speaker 3:So I would like to say I mean this is.
Speaker 1:The only reason I'm saying that is because you can say whatever you want and people are still going to vote for you. Bro, I think that's a talent in itself. Just to have that many people support you. That's a superpower. Yeah blindly Straight up.
Speaker 3:That's a cult leader, regardless that's, you get them to drink the cyanide Kool-Aid, they'll do it.
Speaker 1:But either way, bro Like you can't.
Speaker 2:That's Like I see what Ace is talking about. That's a fucking gift in itself. Yeah, bro, for you to literally do the opposite and still win straight up, like, straight up. Like I can be, I can say whatever I want and hypnotize whatever. The mass, like you said, as a cult, is a superpower.
Speaker 1:It's sick, bro. I mean think of. I mean like I really don't want to sit back and big this man up. No, not big him up, we just really have to when you just sit back and you look at it and you see that, regardless of the bankruptcies, he's had success in business. He's pivoted to TV. He has success in TV. He's pivoted to politics. He's now had success in politics.
Speaker 3:The thing I'll say is I don't think it's so much a superpower, I think it's just he's taking advantage of the system that's in place. Superpower, yeah, it's a misogynistic, you know, uh, you know racist, you know uh system that we have here and he already had a bunch of money in the bankroll and he's got zero shame. And he's just the first dude who would get out there on a celebrity political, you know sort of businessman level and just stoop as low as no one else would go and just keep doing it again and again and again and again.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so think about it. It's a business. If you know it doesn't work, you'll stop doing it. Exactly as I said, like he knew as a business what to say, what to do. Exactly as a product you were selling. If you know people are going to buy, regardless if it's 50% or 40%, 40% of people are buying this. Why would I stop doing what I'm doing? If it was failing, then he would have stopped doing it. It wasn't failing.
Speaker 3:So he used it as a business Again superpower.
Speaker 2:The system is set up like that, Just like any sell Like if I'm a great seller and I'm going to sell you water and you're at the beach, I'm a fucking great seller. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Speaker 1:It's like I said Batman makes sure he shows y'all half his face because he wants them to know that he's white.
Speaker 2:You know, that's just how it goes. You know what I'm saying? Hey, we're going to another fucking level. No, but for real, for real, for real.
Speaker 1:It's just like I said, I don't want to big that man up, but you just have to objectively look at what he's able to done, what he's able to be to what he's been able to do. Excuse me, um, congratulations to kamala. Uh, you ran a great race, great um without knowing that you were going to be in the race short of 100 days. Basically, um, to go out there and do what you did get as close, as you did.
Speaker 2:Exactly. I mean, that's kudos to you on that. Did you see the numbers comparing when Donald versus Hillary Clinton?
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was slightly less in the same situation. It was literally about—.
Speaker 3:And Hillary had a solid, a solid like two, three and a half, three years.
Speaker 2:In fact, Kamala still did the same numbers as.
Speaker 3:And she only had one debate.
Speaker 2:Hillary had multiple debates, so that's the thing about it like Asa's talking about give her props what she did because she wasn't prepared. As, like I said, the party did not prepare this situation to work the way it did.
Speaker 3:And I will say on that one debate, sorry to interrupt. On that one debate she smoked his ass too. She was the only person ever to really check him in a debate, you know, because when he was debating Hillary he was like walking behind her and being all creepy. He demolished Biden. On the most recent one, of course, because it was like two old men debating right, but she threw it in his face.
Speaker 2:But it was again. It wasn't the fact that how professional she was, it was the fact that there's two things that were against her off the back.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying and, for that being said, that's strong, that's a huge thing, but also it shows that you know glass. There's no glass ceiling, it's. It's a brick ceiling. Nobody's gonna break through if you're a woman well the thing about that.
Speaker 3:I have some opinions about what can be done in the next 70. I think doesn't matter 70 some days.
Speaker 2:It doesn't matter because it's rigged that way. It's big because, as you can tell right now as much that the changes of this way, like women, have more power. This shows exactly how much power they show. They don't have again a white woman. A woman itself should be the first thing.
Speaker 3:But even then, Hillary didn't win. She's a white woman.
Speaker 2:But Hillary, Hillary, yeah.
Speaker 3:Well, what I'll say is what if Biden just steps down right now? He just cites his age? Republicans can't argue with him about that, because they've been ragging on him about how old he is. What if he just steps down right now and then the glass ceiling For the next two and a half months? We have Kamala as our president, that we have.
Speaker 2:Kamala as our president, that's a cheap way to get it. That's a cheap way to get it, but at the same time, he would never do that as a white man, do you?
Speaker 3:understand that and that brings my whole grievance with him. Exactly, do you understand?
Speaker 2:Yeah, he already knew. Think about it. He already knew when he picked he could have stepped down a long time to get her a chance. Because he knew to make the Democrats strong, I can let her step up. He even fought until people everybody's like yo, you're fucking up.
Speaker 1:Literally everybody else had to convince him he was fucking up, but you got to understand, bro, that there's a script, basically.
Speaker 2:Yeah, of course, you already talked about this. Vice presidents have to know their place.
Speaker 1:Not even just that I'm talking about. There's a script, script, and when these, when, when these political parties the, the democrats, the republicans they pick who they want to be the next person.
Speaker 2:kamala ended up just falling into it because she's the only strongest democrat in anything that came came out.
Speaker 1:She wasn't she wasn't yeah no, she wasn't, she was the. She was the only option right at that moment. There you go. She was the only option.
Speaker 3:Part of the issue is when Biden won against Trump in 2020, he said I'm going to be an interim president, which has the connotation that he's going to be one term.
Speaker 3:So we've talked about it before. There were plenty of other big, you know Democrats, plenty of other ones with a lot of name recognition big, you know Democrats, plenty of other ones with a lot of name recognition. You know Pete Buttigieg, beto O'Rourke. You know a lot of other folks women candidates, white candidates, male candidates, female candidates you know there's a lot of options to choose from.
Speaker 3:So the Democratic Party had four years and really you want to have one year to do the campaign. You want to have the year before that to know who you're going to have and prep them. So, really, campaign, you want to have the year before that to know who you're going to have and prep them. So really, like, after the first year, like 2021, they should have already known who they were going to go with and start really pushing that person into the forefront to the public. They didn't do that and Biden was like no, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna keep going again. And it's kind of like you know, once you get power, it's hard to give it up. But then he kept trying to run against Trump and I don't, maybe he was waiting to see if it was going to be someone other than Trump. No, he is the only person who beat Trump before.
Speaker 2:Maybe he didn't do that, but as much as he thought he felt that literally he was going to win anybody, he stepped in in front of him.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And then his performance just suffered.
Speaker 2:I think I can beat him again. Exactly what typical. Again, like you said, what mindset is?
Speaker 1:that. No, the mindset of that is that the script isn't written yet. We don't have a proper successor for me. So at this point, when we are going out here and we're doing this and now we're seeing my performance slip and it's time to put somebody else in place, they're not actually ready. So the only person that we have at this point, who got the closest because Kamala got the closest in the Democratic nominee against Biden, so she got the closest Now she's the vice president. At this point, she is our only other choice, because anybody else we pick is either going to be it's going to look like misogynistic, because there's going to be a white man that we're going to pick, or or we're going to pick somebody to come straight out of left field and we have, and that's the thing the public
Speaker 3:would have no name recognition or they wouldn't be relevant for the last four years.
Speaker 1:So they had to go with Kamala. And this is where I'm excited, because I've said this before and I'll say it again this is now going to be the last four years of Trump. We're not going to have to deal with another Trump presidency.
Speaker 2:Yes, or no. You know why? No, no, no, they are prepping. His vice president is going to be another version of Trump, younger version. No, that's not. I know you're talking, but he's not. We don't physically have to deal with it. He's not Trump. That's what I'm saying he doesn't have the.
Speaker 3:He's not Trump. He's a weirdo.
Speaker 1:He doesn't have the it factor that people are going to back him. Yeah, nobody in the Republican Party right now has that it factor that people are just going to back them the way that they're backing Trump. So that's why this is, that's why I'm excited for this, because now I get to see hold on.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, let me get this real out.
Speaker 1:The reason why I'm excited is because I want to see what are going, what the Democratic and the Republican Party are going to do. We have to have. There's going to be a new person on both sides there's going to be a reset. Yeah, there's going to be a reset, so I need to see what is going to happen.
Speaker 3:I think that if there's one thing that I'm excited about for this is that, like you were talking about with the script, you know, this is you throw out the old script, you start writing from scratch.
Speaker 3:You know Democrats did not want Bernie in 2016. They really forced the script of getting Hillary in and that upset a lot of Democrats on the far left and I say far left I mean just left, because America in general has been moving to the right. You know, like a moderate in the 90s would be considered like a liberal now and a Republican in the 90s would be like a moderate now, like the. It would just move to the left, like if you took biden out of this country and put him in power in somewhere like an actual left country, like a. You know, like a norway or sweden, he'd be basically like a fascist, almost like he's. He's pretty far to the left and consider to where a lot of other countries are. So bernie is a natural sort of option for a lot of young people. He's speaking to them about the issues and a lot of young people who are.
Speaker 2:He's too old right now.
Speaker 3:He's too old. But what I'm saying is the script they forced. It didn't work. Bernie would have been a good option. They didn't work. They managed to get Biden in, but it was more so to beat Trump. Now they're going to have to have a real reckoning and say what is our policy, what's our platform? Because with Kamala they tried to go and try to win over that moderate Republican vote.
Speaker 1:So they moved to the right. No, you have to go younger at this point Exactly. It's basically in the same time period of Clinton Yep, when Clinton became president. He was a pretty young guy when he became president, just because there had to be a reset. Pretty young guy when he became president just because there had to be a reset. And there has to be a reset now that the only people that we've had would like you said bernie almost 90, yeah, joe biden almost 90. So you gotta rebuild, like you know what I'm saying. Like you gotta start now, you gotta start at a young, you gotta start a young place. So I'm I'm excited to see what the reset is gonna be, and it's gonna be a lot, because again.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry. No, go ahead, be. It's going to be a lot because again.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, no, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
Speaker 2:Because it's going to be a lot, because it's also the same time. I like to see the outcome of that, the decisions that people did when they voted um. Now he's in office. He had, he's literally it's like the wild, wild west. He has the bullets to pretty much shoot anything he wants, to do whatever he wants. Because, again, teflon don kind of feel like he, the people who voted now. If he starts shooting at them now, what are you going to do now? You can't.
Speaker 3:You already vote him in office well, it's like there's the I think it was tony off air but there's a viral video. There's this Hispanic guy who was very pro-Trump and was very outspoken on his TikTok and social media about, you know, voting for Trump. And then, when Trump won, he put up a big video and you basically say, congratulating Trump. And then there was a whole viral video where now he apparently he sent his daughters over to his neighbor who a white family, and they basically turned him away and said we don't, you know, we don't want your kind here. And then he put that up saying you know, like this is, this is the world of america, where that we signed up for this and that's like, yeah, you know, it's like latinos for trump is like, you know, like jews for hitler, it's like it's, he doesn't have your interest in mind. The whole platform that he ran on the first time was building a wall, you know. So he said he literally talked about Puerto Rico, yeah.
Speaker 3:He just brought that dude out here who said it was a floating pile of garbage, Like it can't be more black and white for you. So if you vote for him and you, just at this point, you get what you get and I hope you learn from that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you lay in your bed. You know what I'm saying. I don't know what the fuck I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I mean yeah, no, the way you make your bed is how you're going to lay in it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so yeah, you can't teach stupid.
Speaker 1:I think the thing about it is a lot of people are saying they looked at the economy, they looked at a lot of things and they want to change, and they think that Donald Trump is going to be able to give it to them. And, with that being said, I have a challenge, not a challenge. I don't even want to say a challenge because it's not a challenge, but over the last I don't know how many years, I've been hearing black Republicans Republicans in general saying that Democrats haven't done anything for black people in the last 30 years. I tend to disagree with that. I think there's one, something big, that just happened very recently and it's still going on, but, um, that Donald Trump, I think, is probably going to try to kill, but I think that that's something that was done for black people but let's speak on it.
Speaker 1:Uh, the affordable care act. There you go. I honestly think that was done for black people, because black people are the ones most disparaged by the medical system and not having access to healthcare. He's playing on Obama, though, no, but that's what he had to do as a black president. I don't think that man could have went out there and said I'm doing something for black people.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because then we would have never seen another black president.
Speaker 3:We've never seen another black nominee. It benefited a lot of other people too. No, but he had to do it.
Speaker 1:He had to do it under the guise of I'm doing this for all Americans, so you don't fall for, so you don't see the play of no, I'm actually doing this for black people, so you just want to see the actual action. So yeah, so I think that that is one thing that was done for black people. You can debate me on that if you want.
Speaker 2:I don't care, nobody debates you.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, I'm just saying I'm talking to even the viewers. I'm saying debate me on that, if you want, but what I'm saying is from the last four years Trump was in office. Even though it's been an interrupted eight years, we're going to have eight years of Trump. I want you to really sit back and think about all the things, mark them down. Yeah, all the things that a Republican government because now that's what it is, I believe, even the Senate.
Speaker 3:They got the Senate, they got the House, I think, is still in the air. It's looking like it's probably going to go their way.
Speaker 1:So they got the House, they got the Senate, they got the Supreme Court, they got the presidency. So they got there's a Republican government at this point.
Speaker 3:And he stacked a lot of Republican judges last time.
Speaker 1:So I want to see what I want black people to really, really focus and really, really mark down and think about what a Republican government has done for you. Put the pros and cons together.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because over the time, the last 30 years, you're quick to tell me or quick to say what Democrats haven't done. So please, I would like for the next four years, and even the last four or previous to this, what was done for you during that time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I see what you're talking about.
Speaker 1:It's pretty much go ahead and put the list together. I'm open-minded on this. No, like I said, as I've gotten older, as I've gotten older, I can honestly say I've even become more conservative. There's a lot of things that conservative, there's a lot of conservative views that I can actually agree with. Um, but at the same time, I do I'll never forget I'm. I'm still broke now, but I'll never forget being broke, like actually being down.
Speaker 2:Broke, broke, broke yeah, you know what I'm saying. And then broke, not like broke, as in like you, the situation. No, I mean like Like broke, because it literally is.
Speaker 1:You're in the situation Like dog. I'm talking about a dollar in my bank account, bro, like dollar to my name. No, that's what I'm saying and I'm not and don't know where the next dollar going to come from. Yeah, it's been a hot minute, so I've been like I've been down yeah, you know what I'm saying and like, and a lot of things have been unemployment programs, whatever things have worked out for me, extended programs through whatever government have worked out for me and has allowed me to stay afloat, to the point that now I'm able to be more self-sufficient. Now Go ahead, mark.
Speaker 3:Well, I think a lot of the things that you're talking about is are like, like, like you know, these different programs and safety net, sort of things that the Republicans will now call communism or socialism and demonize, but those are the same things that a lot of their base, you know, are benefiting from. So a lot of the base, even the white people, the poor white people in the South, a lot of them, are on Social Security, and then they're also demonizing socialism. Social Security has social in its name, Like it literally is socialism right there, and then they'll hate on it.
Speaker 3:You know, my, my wife, who's from brazil, she's, uh, you know, she's telling me she knows au pairs and this, and that, who, who are just getting their green card now, and this and that, and, and they're, you know they're saying, oh man, I'm so glad I got it now because, uh, you know, I you know, trump is in yeah and uh and this and that, but then they're the same type of people who will vote for Trump and whatnot, of course, and then it's like and they're pro-Trump, but then it's like they don't have empathy, even for themselves six months ago, when they were in the program, and if Trump was the president, then they'd be out, you know.
Speaker 3:So once you have the power or once you have that next level status, it's hard to have that empathy for the people below you or even where you were on the way before you got to the next level. It is replaced with this apathy and you know I'm sorry to break you down.
Speaker 2:So the thing about it is a lot of things a lot of countries outside of America know now there's a better situation. They'll get where they are now because if, once you're in, you're in, you're an American. And again Trump pretty much says all right, you know what, if you vote for me, you're American. Until I don't think you're American, yeah, and so, of course, like I said, as an au pair, let me get in so I can be an American, so I can make the money that I know is possible. That's always been the American way, but it's even more now. Yeah, even more now, even more now. And because, again, this is what I have a problem with, because I don't know. And then again I don't know and I have to do a survey to really feel like, what does other countries feel about us?
Speaker 2:How this a clown, or pretty much, it's literally a, it's a, it's a, um, it's a reality show to them. Yeah, it's literally a reality show. It's. It's not what they're used to seeing when their parents grew up or whatever. It's now like, all right, if this motherfucker is a convicted felon to become a president, I definitely have a chance. Well, like, or it's not. And I'm saying and I was talking. I'm sorry, I was talking about your dad, talking to your dad about, yeah, they should change the rules of that. You know, convicted felons should be able to vote now because if the president is a felon, regardless of how felons light or dark or whatever you want to call it, now you should let me do what I can do because it's okay. That's what, like I'm. It's kind of like I'm looking forward to find out. Like Asa's talking about the reality show of like let's see what happens right. Yeah, the reality show of like, let's see what happens right.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Let's see if they it shoots themselves in a, in a back or in a, pretty much, you're going to kill yourself, dig yourself a hole or holy fuck, it's a whole different. It's a whole new world. Whole new world is changing right now that you can do whatever you can and still become whatever you want. That's it Literally.
Speaker 1:This was happening, no consequence, whatever you want, that's literally. This was happening, no consequences.
Speaker 3:I mean, let's find out how it's going to go in every.
Speaker 1:let's find out how it's going to go in every way, because I'm like I said, I'm interested to see, because now I'm really focused on it. I'm trying to be open-minded and seeing what the difference is between a Republican and a Democratic government. So I'm trying to see what, how this stuff is going to go. I want to see what is going to happen within the next four years. How much damage is going to be done? Yeah, because I mean just little things about the reproductive. I have little girls. Yeah, and hopefully that they will never need to grow up and have abortions.
Speaker 3:Well, we're good in Maryland. We just got that enshrined here in the state I was going to say that's where, yeah.
Speaker 1:See, but that's the other thing. But that's where the other thing is. Also congratulations to Angela Altshuler-Brooks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, making it into the Senate as a black woman. Also, give her props. She's from PG. She's literally born and raised from PG, so we should talk about that and we got Wes Moore.
Speaker 1:Definitely that we have Wes Moore as our governor. But yeah, I mean just the whole idea of this is where you have to understand that it's more important to focus on your local legislative government Exactly. Vote local, I mean. Focus on your county, focus on your state, things like that. Come to DV, Because that's what's going to honestly keep you safe, Exactly In states Different states are different.
Speaker 1:If I can make it as simple as possible, weed is still federally illegal, but in individual states it's legal. Different, yeah, because individual states are allowed to govern themselves Exactly. So Come to DV. Focus on.
Speaker 2:All three states are legal. So come to DMV. Focus on all three. Yeah, I mean yeah. Focus on your local. You know your local government.
Speaker 3:When you're voting, please Weed everywhere. I don't smoke, weed everywhere. The other thing, as Ace was saying, you know just to look at the next four years of Trump, the other thing is just not just look inward on the small, you know local election and then America as a whole, but as the world in total, because a lot of things hang in the balance with Trump. You know Ukraine, gaza, you know a lot of these other international issues and Putin is not. If he gets Ukraine, I mean he's not going to stop at Ukraine. You know Europe is all you know on his menu right now.
Speaker 1:I mean from what people are saying, because, like I said, I've been doing a lot of research on this so I've been trying to figure things out.
Speaker 2:So keep it short.
Speaker 1:But people are saying that Trump is is cool with all these guys and he can kind of talk them off the ledge, exactly. So let's see if, once again, if Trump can stop some wars, since we'll see I mean he didn't get us into any wars.
Speaker 2:He didn't, he didn't. He didn't get us into any wars. So let's see if he can stop some wars. Yes, that's huge. And again, we will keep talking about this because again, this is again a reality show.
Speaker 1:Oh no, this is going to be a constant thing.
Speaker 2:This is going to be a constant thing and I know Mark is really looking forward to it.
Speaker 1:Big T is back in office. We are about to have once again the most entertaining president back on TV.
Speaker 2:CNN is about to be lit for the next four years, you're going to start reacting to a lot of videos.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you CNN, we don't even do politics, but CNN is about to be lit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, start watching our reaction videos, guys. It's going to be lit, though we're going to start doing some shit.
Speaker 3:I'm going to have some opinions about Trump. I'll tell you that I'm going to have some serious opinions. You're going to see a whole different light of Mark Light-skinned it Like comment subscribe.
Speaker 2:Yo definitely Yo follow. Leave some comments. Yo definitely tell us how you feel about our podcast. We're ready to start.
Speaker 1:We're ready to start. We're ready to really interact with the people.
Speaker 2:No, we're about to put on some stuff you know, straight live videos. So I really, if y'all really want to be engaged in our podcast, let us know so we can start putting our stuff on stream, Twitter, Twitch, whatever.
Speaker 1:It's live in our contract. We got to talk about something I'm going to try.
Speaker 3:Add a little addendum.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're going to, because I think I feel like we should have a lot of people talking except us.
Speaker 1:I mean, hey, like I said, we want to interact with the people. Please like comment, subscribe. We'll do better next time. Absolute DMV, absolute DMV, peace, peace, peace.